Thursday, August 29, 2019

Still A Few Of My Favorite Things.

"Raindrops on roses
And whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things"
-Julie Andrews, The Sound of Music

I am a practicing minimalist.  I still have some things to learn, I am not as strict as some, but I comfortably can eliminate any excess and keep my living simple.  However, I still have a few of my favorite things.  Wanna see?  ok, let's take a look!


From top left to right: Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Room Freshener, in Lavender, Raw Aquamarine crystal, Ouidad Moisture Lock Leave-In Conditioner, Hempz Herbal Body Moisturizer in Pomegranate, Glaceau smart water, M.A.C.'s Retro Matte Liquid lip color in Feel So Grand, and Poo-Pourri Before You Go toilet spray in Original Citrus

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Wednesday Word of the Week.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hope your day is going well.  Queen She known as Me here with the Wednesday Word(s) of the Week!

naive, simplistic, and superficial.
Synonyms: naïve, simple, innocent

the official power to make legal decisions and judgments.
Synonyms: authority, control, power, rule

destiny or fate, following as effect from cause.
Synonyms: fate, aura, kismet

one's range of knowledge or sight.
Synonyms: knowledge, awareness, perception, grasp

affected by lethargy; sluggish and apathetic.
Synonyms: slow, inactive, lifeless

expressed clearly; easy to understand.
Synonyms: intelligible, comprehensible, understandable

a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause.
Synonyms: desolation, sadness, woe, sorrow

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Tell all Tuesday

Today is Tell all Tuesday here at the Diva Journals!  I’m getting a little more personal and sharing a tiny secret; my vice is I am obsessed with Corner Bakery Cafe.  Now it’s not for the pastries and bread, the pasta, sandwiches or homemade soups (even though they too are super good) but for their doggone COFFEE!  There! I said it!

I have managed to position myself near a corner bakery if I’m home or at work; if I’m just out and about I have googled the closest location.  If there is a meeting at work, I have my mouth under the cardboard coffee carafe (well not really, that would be extremely gross) (but once everyone has theirs and they don't want seconds....) If I’m traveling out of town, I’m looking to see if one is near.  At my favorite one, one of the servers have seen me and my family members so often she now knows the gender of all five of my grands…okay the ages too.  It’s a problem, I know it, I like it! 

What can I say!  In the words of Stockard Channing in the movie Grease, “there are worse things I could do!” 

Hey, I got issues but you got em too!

Enjoy your Tuesday! Make it terrific

Image from Corner Bakery catering

Monday, August 26, 2019

Motivational Monday

Can you hear me back there?  Is the mic on?  Yeah?  Okay!

Hey yawl, Glad to see you, glad you’re here, glad I’m here with you.  It’s Motivational Monday at The Diva Journals, and the message we have today is: Take your dreams seriously and work hard to achieve them. 

Some of us are walking this earth with dreams worth more to us than sleep, but we are also walking this earth with dream killers walking alongside us disguised as friends or people who care for you; you know the ones whose fears have killed their dreams and hopes so they under mind your dreams and goals instead of helping you achieve and celebrate them.   

Let me be clear, crystal clear in fact! And please, please, please understand this: 

📣 your dreams are important, so please take them seriously.  Did you hear me?

Remove yourself quietly, or bold and loudly if you prefer, from dream killers.  Continue to wake up with determination, continue to dream big, and dare yourself to fail. And anyone who is not in your corner and does not wish to see your dreams come into fruition, then do yourself a huge favor and separate the BEST from the rest!

Happy Monday!  Be motivated. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

5 Fun and interesting facts

Fact. The first oranges weren’t orange.  In Southeast Asia the original oranges were a hybrid of tangerine and pomelo (a large green citrus fruit similar in appearance to a grapefruit). Hmm hybrid food.  Should I leave it right there? I think I will.

Fact. Q is the only letter of the alphabet that doesn’t appear in any U.S. state name.  Not a one! 

Fact.  Peanuts are not nuts, they’re legumes! ooohhhhkkkkkk

Fact.  Octopuses lay close to 56,000 eggs at a time.. Whoa.  And get this the mother doesn’t eat for six months because she’s protecting her eggs; she’s one helluva mum!

Fact. The Pope can’t be an organ donor!  Per the Vatican, because the Popes body belongs to the universal Catholic Church the Pope’s entire body must be buried intact.  In-ter-resting.

For these fun facts and more visit Reader’s Digest 100 Fun and Interesting Facts.

Thursday, June 20, 2019


Creature of habit.  That’s how I would describe myself and my routines.  I always find what works, and I do the same thing in the same way for as long as it works.  Problem with that is change is a constant in life and I should become better at embracing it so that I can continue to excel and learn something new.  Sounds good?  Yea I didn’t think so either! It’s not so much that I don’t like change or the transition, I don’t like the dummy period; that time when a change has taken over and you don’t know jack about what’s happening, how to deal with it or live with it.  

Once I conquer that period I’m sure I can become a great agent of change.

With all that being said (whew) I had to change my hair care/upkeep regimen.  I fell prey to the myth that shampoo and conditioner that I’ve used for years were fighting against my hair and my hair in retaliation, developed a tolerance to it, and that was the cause of all my hair problems. Not true, what is true, is my regimen had to change for my hair care products based on other things, like my excess exposure to elements, my scalp conditioning and dehydration, and some needed dietary changes.  So, I had to enter the dummy period, which made me nervous about …. Dun-Dun-DUUUUN!!!! change.

You all wouldn’t believe how long I’ve been researching; reading review articles, product labels, and watching videos on hair products, causes of ailments, foods!  (if you knew me, you wouldn’t be surprised at all).  But hey, now because I have studied and looked closer at me and my situation, I’m armed with my info and I’ve made an informed decision/investment and change didn’t hurt at all.  

“A lot of people resist transition and therefore never allow themselves to enjoy who they are, embrace the change, no matter what it is; once you do, you can learn about the new world you’re in and take advantage of it.” -Nikki Giovanni

I say whatever it takes to get you to a higher level, do it. Do it afraid.  Just do it. 

I changed those hair care products by the way, and because I did, more and more changes came up for me and I went along with what is to become my new regimen.    You ever had those times in life?  Drop me a line or two in the comments below, and let's all become bosses in the process of starting something new.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019


Life.  Let's talk about it. This remarkable thing that wields us into motion.  So much force and control at times, then again so loving and gentle.  If given a chance, it teaches us to grab hold of it and run with it, instead of chasing it, take care of it instead of abusing it because we only get one.  We only get one.  We only get one.  

Life pushes us into existence.  It takes us from a structural cell to a vital and functional being.  It stimulates, gives us the ability to reproduce, to transcend, to release, and to evolve. All of that.

Life has been referred to as being the shortest thing we'll ever have.  “Life is short” is what people say when, motivation is needed to live more fully, or when death strikes, but I feel, life is the longest thing you’ll ever have.  Think about it. What do you have that’s longer?

But what if life was something else?  

Like backwards? 

What Tina? 

Don't freak out, ride with me for a minute.

One day while reading, (avid reader of all things good) I stumbled across Urban Dictionary.  On their site, a writer that only went by “J” posted on August 13, 2004 the following about life: 

“The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A death! What's that, a bonus?!? I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, get it out of the way. The you go live in an old age home. You get kicked out for being too healthy, go collect your pension, then, when you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day. You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You drink alcohol, you party, and you get ready for High School. You go to primary school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a little boy(girl), you go back, you spend your last 9 months floating with luxuries like central heating, spa, room service on tap, then you finish off as an orgasm!!  Uff.. Now that’s what life should be!!”
Well then. Now think on that. What if life was lived in reverse?  J! whoever you are!  You might be on to something!  At least you gave me a good ole belly chuckle.  

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Wednesday's Words of the Week

Hey Peeps, It's Queen She Known as Me here with some Wednesday Words of the Week. 


exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
Synonyms: exaggeration, overstatement, magnification, amplification  

the induction of a state of consciousness in which a person apparently loses the power of voluntary action and is highly responsive to suggestion or direction.
Synonyms: mesmerism, hypnotism  

the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
 Synonyms: honesty, uprightness, probity, rectitude,  

the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
Synonyms: sarcasm, dryness, causticity, sharpness  

Friday, May 10, 2019

What'cha Reading?

A Diva checking in on her online journal just to be nosy and to see what good reads are out there.

Diva's and Gents!  Happy Friday!  Queen She known as Me here and I want to know what'cha reading!

I think I told you, I'm an avid reader and I love all things readable; I mean I could read the label off the back of a small fry at McDonald's and feel like I've been enlightened.  Seriously.  I'm that kind of  reader.  

I wasn't always like this, in fact it was a struggle for my mom to get me to read.  I would write in journals all the time, but reading I only wanted to do when necessary.  Hindsight, this made absolutely no sense at all, but hey, I am who I am. Mom did the same with my baby sister as she did with me; took us the library, preached literacy, (and good handwriting) (another blog post) because she has always been a reader.  Don't know what happened with me, but my lil sister, well one word comes to mind when I think of her...INGENIOUS!  

Of all the literary genres, self- help materials are my least favorite, but I'm reading one now that's different from the "stand in front of the blackboard teaching" self help materials that I'm accustomed to, plus it's just plain ol hilarious.You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life  by Jen Sincero.   Having a great time thus far moving on through it.  

Drop me a line below in the comments and let me know what you're reading, or suggest a good read for this journaling Diva!  

Thursday, April 25, 2019

What Happens When You Smile

Did you know your smile has health benefits?  Like magic? it does; even when you smile at the person who's rude to you, or when you smile at the grumpy person who doesn't like you and never smiles or speaks back.  You are helping yourself out while attempting to make someone else's day.  Or maybe you're just a nice person and your smile is the best accessory you have; if it is, you're awesome, and you're helping yourself as well by sharing that smile.

There's a blog called The Best Brain Possible with Debbie Hampton that talks about the proven benefits of a smile; how a simple smile can benefit your brain and your body.  Don't believe it?  check it out.  Let me know in the comments below what you think after reading this.  Are you going to keep smiling?  I am, and if I smile at you, smile back!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Wednesday's Words of the Week!

Hey Ya’ll!  Queen She known as Me here with three Wednesday Words of the Week.  Things like Spring Break and unexpected life events have happened, as they are supposed to, and I’ve gotten a bit behind.  Like I stated earlier in the year, I’m gonna learn these words!  All 52 of em! So sit tight, hold on and take a look at my list of “learn em” words for this week.

courage in pain or adversity.
synonyms: courage, bravery, strength of mind, strength of character

go around from one place to another in the pursuit of pleasure or entertainment.
synonyms: flit, jaunt, run, roam, wonder, travel

an external form, appearance, or manner of presentation, typically concealing the true nature of something.
synonyms: likeness, external appearance

definitions from

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

What I Love Doing on a Friday Night

"But I'm gonna [ you know the rest] cause it's Friday, you ain't got no job and you ain't got shit to do."-Smokey from Friday

Hey Diva's and Gents, it Queen She known as Me here and I want to let you know what I love doing on a Friday night.  Let me mention it's definitely not what Smokey had in mind for Craig in the movie Friday, but there are some things that I like and look forward to doing and they are:

1. If I have no plans, cook a Friday night meal; fish and hush puppies, love it.

2. Pop a cork on a bottle of wine. 

3. UBER out to my neighborhood Mexican restaurant-Huey Luey's Mexican Kitchen & Margarita Bar, no need to explain why I like to UBER here!

4. Bubble bath, and mini spa time.  Do a facial, pedicure, and some tub relaxation

5. Binge watch my favorite shows

These are just a few of my favs to do on Friday's, what's yours?  drop me some ideas down below, inspire me!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Wednesday's Word of the Week!

Queen She known as Me here and I'm hoping your Wednesday is going well, plus I got the Word of the week!




having or displaying a passionate intensity.

synonyms: passionate, intense, sincere, feeling, profound, animated, spirited

Monday, April 1, 2019

Five Ways to Wind Down and Destress

Diva's and Gents!  Hey ya'll! I hope you're as beautiful as ever on this first day of April.

I was fortunate enough to be in the company of several friends this past weekend and one of the things discussed was ways to wind down.  

I shared that after hitting the job grind daily, most of us have other things, or responsibilities that feel more stressful than the job we just left, and sometimes even though our heads hit the pillow, our brains just won't shut off.  It wants to be twins with the Duracell bunny and keep going and going.  It wants to tell us how to do things like complete future pressing issues and tasks. It knows it should be resting or winding down, however it wants to elude deep and invasive sleep.  uugh.  However I have been trying to come up with some "me time" routines, and one of them is my "before bed to help me sleep better" routine.

I started earlier this year trying to combat rest thieves.  Here are five ideas that I've found useful in helping me to wind down.

1. I set aside thirty minutes to an hour before my actual bed time to start to wind down.  This gives me time to surf the net, social media, read or make those last minute phone calls.  This helps me release some of what's rumbling around in my mind.

2. Brew some tea.  One great benefit of Chamomile tea consumption is the powerful ability of its ingredients to aid in relaxation, and it taste good too!  I can sometimes feel my eyelids getting heavy after I ingest a good amount of it.

3. Develop and then utilize mindfulness bedtime exercises.  These include dimming the lights in my bedroom (even the lights on the cell and other electronics), my breathing exercises, and my praying/meditation.

4. I stopped trying to fall asleep, and instead I just relax.  If I forced it, I end up adding stress to my list of ailments.  Don't need that.  Just try and relax. and before you know it, you're in la-la land, at least I am.

5. Aromatherapy using linen sprays.  Company's sell linen sprays is several scents; petitgrain, chamomile, geranium, sandalwood rose, and lavender.  I DIY linen spray, it's very easy.  I take distilled water, add it into my 1 ounce blue spray bottle and add 10 drops of lavender oil, shake it and use it at night time to spray down the bed, the pillows and I spray some in the air.  I love it, and it works well for me.

If you have any suggestions, please drop them down below and share.  You know we're all about sharing here! Let's help everybody wind down!


Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wednesday's Word of the Week!

Peeps!  It's me Queen She, here with Wednesday's Word of the week.




Intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.

Synonyms: obscure, perplexing, complex

Monday, March 25, 2019

Find Me Elsewhere; My favorite places to hang out on social media

Hey Peeps!  Queen She known as me here, hoping you’re having the most wonderful day ever.  

In the evening after the house is all quiet, and I’m all comfortable, there are several places on social media that I hit every night.  Yup, your girl’s an Instagram and YouTube junkie!  I can say this though!  I don’t just go to my favorite places and look at their content, I will click that like button and let em know I’ve been by for the day, that I support, and you know what?  they never disappoint.

So! any time after 9:30 pm you can find me elsewhere, at one of these locations on one of these pages:

Juhahn Jones on Instagram
Desi Banks - Iamdesibanks on Instagram and YouTube
Myron Jewell – Cheatingassmyron on Instagram
Christianee Porter – thechristishow on Instagram and YouTube
Donovan Weatherspoon – 2realmacdatfee on Instagram
Kaitlyn Leonard – on Instagram
Erin Wells – That Choclate Vegan on YouTube
Kim, - The Chic Natural on YouTube and Instagram

I can’t be the only one who lives vicariously through someone else in the evening times, you do it too! Drop a comment below and let me know where I can find you most nights when you’re winding down.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Wednesday's Word of the Week!

Hey Peeps!  It's me Queen She known as me here with Wednesday's Word of the Week.  




the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

Synonyms: rapport with, sympathy with, understanding of, fellowship with

Monday, March 18, 2019

Loving Her.

Today, we're emptying the mind tank, and a message of self love is pouring out.  


Be observant of the love you give yourself today; so that when you’re older it will be generous enough.

Be cautious of the love you allow others to give to you; make sure it’s substantial enough.

Be thoughtful of the love you give to others; you want it to yield significant returns.

Be prudent of the love you speak of with others; jealously can be undetectable, and bring about sizable problems.

Be vigilant in the love you allow others to teach your children; it can have extensive consequences.

Be. But while you are being, be mindful of who you’re becoming; be able to live with her.  Be able to look at her in the mirror in twenty years.  Be able to just be, knowing that all the while, you were loving her, the best way you could.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Wednesday's Word of the Week!

God morning, good morning, good morning to you!  It's Queen She known as me here with Wednesday's Word of the Week, and it's not just a word of the week, but two! Business has crossed the line into journaling and I've fallen a little behind; but my intention was to learn 52 new words this year, and my golly I intend to do just that!  So help me if you will!

a person's inherent (natural or built-in) qualities of mind and character

synonyms: intrinsic, innate, immanent,inborn, ingrained, deep-rooted

hesitating or doubting, not to be relied upon

synonyms: suspicious, suspect, under suspicion, untrustworthy, unreliable

Monday, March 4, 2019


If I could have witnessed an event in history I think it would’ve been in 2003 when Business Insider reported Oprah Winfrey had become the first female African American billionaire. 

Why I chose this event? Girl Power, that’s why.  Point blank period.

People have deemed Oprah to be the most influential woman in the world, not in the country, but in the world. Girl Power.  She’s a media mogul, the first African American to own a large studio (Girl -Girl power) She has been ranked the greatest black philanthropist in American history. She.  Some more Girl Power. Even though she obviously owns the bank! (super Girl Power) and has many, many, many more astounding accomplishments, Oprah’s goals have always been to inspire and motivate others.  Madd Girl Power.

I bet there have been many naysayers, critics, some haters along her path.  I would’ve loved to witness the look on the faces.  Just so they’d know that what is for you, is for you, and what is intended for someone else, is intended for someone else. Just because people say so, or are not happy with themselves or anything else in this world, skepticism and criticism of others will not stop the success train if it is intended to be on the tracks.

Girl Power.  If we women would unite and stand together with and for each other, what a wonderful world... this would be.  

Image from

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Wednesday's Word of the Week.

Hey Peeps!  Happy Wednesday, It's Queen She here known as me! and I have with me a new word to share for the week.


believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity.

synonyms: skeptical, doubtful, distrustful, unbelieving

-Google Dictionary

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Emptying A Full Self. If I

Remember in the beginning I told you from time to time I will empty myself, this is one of those times.  Listen up.

"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Galatians 6:7 King James Version (KJV)
If I.
If I smile at you, please acknowledge the kind gesture, and smile back
If I say hello, please be cordial in return
If I make you feel loved, please reciprocate the feeling
If I trust you, trust that I have your very best interest at heart, please do the same for me
If I make you feel safe, once you’ve regained your strength, please be a thorn of protection for me
If I bring you joy, please lighten my dull days with laughter
If I am compassionate towards you, please remember me in my time of need
If I show you tenderness, please wrap me in warmth when needed
If I understand you, please listen and learn who I am so that you understand me as well
If I am thoughtful towards you, please think of me from time to time
If I show you desire, please ignite my inner soul with the same
If I attempt to teach you something, please don’t be offended, accept it, and in return teach me something
If I. 
If I.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Wednesday's Word of the Week!

Happy Wednesday Diva's and Gents!  Queen She known as Me here with Wednesday's Word of the Week.




Used to describe a person or something that’s impulsive, and unpredictable

Given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior-Google

Synonyms: inconstant, fickle, unstable

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Wednesday's Word of the Week!

It's Queen She known as Me here and I'm bringing with me the Wednesday Word of the Week.



go past or around.  To avoid something unpleasant or laborious

synonyms: go around, go pat, make a detour, avoid

-Google Dictionary

Monday, January 28, 2019

Developing Your Best Self

"I am a woman of substance.  Success is not withheld from me. I am strong and built to succeed." – The Holy Spirit

A mantra.  A word, a sound, a phrase repeated to aid in concentration during meditation.  An affirmation to motivate and inspire you to be your best self.  Used to provide encouragement when you need to focus your mind to achieve a goal.  The statement above, that’s my mantra.  

Even though mantras have been around for at least 3,000 years, in present day we see them everywhere; on social media with the famous hash tag on Instagram, we pin them to Pinterest, or even in songs like Toni Braxton’s Let it flow, where she tells us to “Just let go and let it flow” (I’ve used this one so many times in the last 20 +/- years).

Happy Black Woman founder Rosetta Thurman introduced me to mantras and how effective they can be in my everyday life.  In 2011, I did her 31-day Reset Your Life program and one of the assignments given, in fact the first assignment given, was to create a mantra.  Changed my mindset so much that every year, I encourage myself to create a new one.  Why not? We can evolve! (but that’s another blog for another day).

Studies have shown that when we are feeling overwhelmed and flooded with thoughts of every kind, repeating a mantra can help bring about very real change in our mindsets and everyday lives.  In the world we live in today, stereotyping and mental disorders of all kind are present, front and center, every day and are attaching themselves to or attacking people’s though process.  Constantly.  It’s good to have mantras as a way of kicking negativity out of the psyche or simply changing an unwanted aura. We may not be able to control the situations that surround us all the time, but we can control ourselves and how we respond. It’s not always easy, but it’s doable.

Share! Drop your mantra below in the comments and let us know how it helps you. If you haven’t gotten one yet, get busy! Start the process to creating the mindset you want to have.  Happy creating.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Wednesday's Word of the Week

Hey Peeps! Queen She known as me here with my Wednesday word of the week.


well meaning and kindly.
"a benevolent smile"

(of an organization) serving a charitable rather than a profit-making purpose.
"a benevolent fund"

synonyms: charitable, non-profit-making, nonprofit, not-for-profit

-Google Dictionary

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Wednesday's Word of the Week

Hey Queen She known as me here with my Wednesday word of the week.



(of language) open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning.
"the question is rather ambiguous“

unclear or inexact because a choice between alternatives has not been made.
"this whole society is morally ambiguous“

Synonyms: equivocal, ambivalent, open to debate

-Google Dictionary

Monday, January 14, 2019

January 2019 Wine Choice

I drank it!

Bogle Petite Sirah 2016 Red Wine


Tasting Notes: Blueberries, Brown Sugar and Cocoa

This is a full bodied red wine. It’s not too strong, and not too light, a good balance.  It doesn't have a lot of sugar, it goes well with spicy dishes. Let it breathe for a few minutes before drinking, (I didn't, and I KNOW BETTER!, but I wanted to dive right in!) When I went back in to it a day later, it tasted even better.   It's real smooth. It’s awesome, but i'm not surprised at that because Bogle is a great brand.   I’ll definitely buy again.  

It's a match! me and this wine like each other!  If you have a favorite you'd like me to try, comment below, and I'd be willing to oblige! 

As usual, have a great day, enjoy yourself and life, and keep a look out for me monthly as I continue making my POUR decisions!
                                                                                                             Image from Google.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Just Breathe

Today I stepped away from the location I’d been at most of the day for a break.  I was taking a short walk to try and calm my mind; I was thinking I have this to do, and that to do and the time when I’d have to have them done by.  I was so gone with thoughts that I was thinking about the deadlines of other people, and about what all they had to do.  Then it hit me, and I had to ask myself, “what is going on with you girl?” and then the thought crossed me to breathe and focus.  

As I did, I took several more longer breaths.  Inhaling slowly, taking air into the lungs, and then just as slowly expelling it, until it became normal and felt natural.  Before I knew it, my mind was clearing, clearer, then just clear.  Something changed within me, around me, to me.  Almost as if I gained extra energy.  

I know this is nothing new, and I’d heard this a thousand plus a thousand more times, to take deep breaths to calm yourself when needed.  But until you become overwhelmed, and realize you’re not breathing, it means nothing more to you than a taught relaxation technique.  It’ll never mean anything at all until it does.

When you’re feeling stressed, annoyed bothered, need a break, or maybe just need to turn your mind off for a minute, slow down, take a deep breath and focus.  Then take more deep breaths, until you’re as calm as you can be.  You’ll be surprised at the results this brings to the body, as well as the mind.  

Just remember to breathe. 

Monday, January 7, 2019

TDJ Reads

“Ah, how good it is to be among people who are reading.” – Rainer Maria Rilke

This month TDJ is reading
Bury What We Cannot Take
a novel by Kirstin Chen

The day nine-year-old San San and her twelve-year-old brother, Ah Liam, discover their grandmother taking a hammer to a framed portrait of Chairman Mao is the day that forever changes their lives. 

To prove his loyalty to the Party, Ah Liam reports his grandmother to the authorities. But his belief in doing the right thing sets in motion a terrible chain of events.

You avid readers out there, share what you’re reading. Let’s go!!

Image from Amazon


Done 01/28/2019

Bury What We Cannot Take: A Novel-Kirstin Chen was released March 20, 2018.

Set in 1957 Drum Wave Island-Gulangyu, Fujian Province, China.

Nine-year-old San San and her brother Ah Liam witness their grandmother smashing the portrait of Chairman Mao.  As a way to prove his loyalty to the party, Ah Liam reports his grandmother and turns their lives upside down.  Now they must flee their home on Drum Wave.  Their father is already living in Hong Kong taking care of the family business (so he would like for the family to believe) and along with their mother, Seok Koon, have come up with a plan to get their family to Hong Kong, but when the mother goes to secure passports for herself, their grandmother and both children, the government will only issue them passports on the condition she leave one of her children behind as proof her and her family will return. Begging, in distress and in haste Seok Koon makes the bad decision to leave her daughter, San San behind. 

The rest of the book tells how San San struggles daily to not get caught by the officials as she comes up with a plan of her own to get to Hong Kong, how she survives, how Seok Koon tries everything imaginable to get her daughter back, how the Ah Liam struggles with guilt, but still has his loyalty to the Party, and how the father is barely holding on and is secretly in financial ruin, living with his mistress in Hong Kong.  

Bury What We Cannot Take, is a good read, and most of the time it’s a page turner, but there were several things I didn’t like about the book.  One was the ending, and the other was character development.  The ending seemed rushed, and unreal.  Some of the characters like the dad for instance, has a huge presence throughout the book, but at the end he has such a minimal part.