Monday, April 20, 2020

The Love of Life

Hey Divas and Gents! During these uncertain times I hope that each and every one of you are being extremely safe and that you’re doing well and that your family is well also.

We are living in difficult times. We have never seen such a massive force come into play and disrupt the lives of so many people as Covid-19. A change is not coming, a change is here; many of us have been quarantined for at least 3 to 4 weeks, some longer. We’re learning how to maneuver in a world that has drastically left us feeling uncertain, and frightened with no sense of control. I’m an introvert, and having control over situations in my life is a plus for me, take that away, and I’m like a fish out of water.

All I can and want to do is to stay in constant communication with the God I serve. I have to run to He that is greater than I, He who knows the beginning and the end, He who has promised to never leave me alone, to never forsake me, He who promises these things and shows me these things to assure me that He alone is God and besides him there is no other. As long as He has control and I believe it, then I think an introverted soul like me will come through this thing and I’ll be praying that you come through this as well.

Please be safe! Please be aware of your surroundings! Watch as well as learn. Be kind, be gracious. Be courteous.

All my love to you in this life!