Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Wednesday's Word of the Week.

Hey Peeps!  Happy Wednesday, It's Queen She here known as me! and I have with me a new word to share for the week.


believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity.

synonyms: skeptical, doubtful, distrustful, unbelieving

-Google Dictionary

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Emptying A Full Self. If I

Remember in the beginning I told you from time to time I will empty myself, this is one of those times.  Listen up.

"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Galatians 6:7 King James Version (KJV)
If I.
If I smile at you, please acknowledge the kind gesture, and smile back
If I say hello, please be cordial in return
If I make you feel loved, please reciprocate the feeling
If I trust you, trust that I have your very best interest at heart, please do the same for me
If I make you feel safe, once you’ve regained your strength, please be a thorn of protection for me
If I bring you joy, please lighten my dull days with laughter
If I am compassionate towards you, please remember me in my time of need
If I show you tenderness, please wrap me in warmth when needed
If I understand you, please listen and learn who I am so that you understand me as well
If I am thoughtful towards you, please think of me from time to time
If I show you desire, please ignite my inner soul with the same
If I attempt to teach you something, please don’t be offended, accept it, and in return teach me something
If I. 
If I.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Wednesday's Word of the Week!

Happy Wednesday Diva's and Gents!  Queen She known as Me here with Wednesday's Word of the Week.




Used to describe a person or something that’s impulsive, and unpredictable

Given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior-Google

Synonyms: inconstant, fickle, unstable