Monday, February 26, 2018

My Most important life lesson

You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.-
Oprah Winfrey

Hi guys!  It’s Queen She known as Me here, and today if you would allow me to, I’d like to share my most important life lessons. I’m turning 52 years old in one week.  I can say, the quote above rang so true in my life, and at an early, early age.  

I was eight years old, and trying out for the drama/theatre club at my elementary school.  The teacher over the club was one of the most loved and adored teachers, partly because of how special she always made each and every child feel.  She always encouraged us, especially in the arts; writing, drama, and music.  I participated in all, but I excelled in writing, and I was particularly shy in speaking, I preferred visual communications.  I did learn to speak to God though, the only time I was comfortable communicating with another person.

I learned at an early age as well how to pray; how to communicate with God and ask Him to be a part of my life.  I don’t know, it just kind of happened, or maybe I picked it up from church; I learned to talk with God as a small child, and I remember most of the conversations I had with Him.  I think it was a stressful time in my childhood at this point.  But if I prayed, I always found peace immediately afterwards. 

There was an audition, and I wanted to try out for a part in a play.  I was a shy and timid little kid, scrawny and all.  I felt that praying asking God for something as menial as helping me to get a part in a play was a gross misuse of prayer time, and surely I could handle this without His help.  I auditioned, and you guessed it, I didn’t get the part.  The teacher told me she felt as if I could do way better, but she just didn’t see as much of the Tina in me up on the stage as she saw in the classroom.  Something was missing she said.

Phillippians 4:6 “Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God,” and Psalm 138:8 The Lord will perfect that which concerns me.” These are the most important life lessons I have learned thus far.  From that day to this one, I have never ever again felt that my life or anything about it was too small to go to God about, or that I could do anything without Him.  Yeah.  Those were/are the lessons I learned and hold so dear.

What are some of your important life lessons learned?  Drop a few lines below and share!

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