Thursday, June 20, 2019


Creature of habit.  That’s how I would describe myself and my routines.  I always find what works, and I do the same thing in the same way for as long as it works.  Problem with that is change is a constant in life and I should become better at embracing it so that I can continue to excel and learn something new.  Sounds good?  Yea I didn’t think so either! It’s not so much that I don’t like change or the transition, I don’t like the dummy period; that time when a change has taken over and you don’t know jack about what’s happening, how to deal with it or live with it.  

Once I conquer that period I’m sure I can become a great agent of change.

With all that being said (whew) I had to change my hair care/upkeep regimen.  I fell prey to the myth that shampoo and conditioner that I’ve used for years were fighting against my hair and my hair in retaliation, developed a tolerance to it, and that was the cause of all my hair problems. Not true, what is true, is my regimen had to change for my hair care products based on other things, like my excess exposure to elements, my scalp conditioning and dehydration, and some needed dietary changes.  So, I had to enter the dummy period, which made me nervous about …. Dun-Dun-DUUUUN!!!! change.

You all wouldn’t believe how long I’ve been researching; reading review articles, product labels, and watching videos on hair products, causes of ailments, foods!  (if you knew me, you wouldn’t be surprised at all).  But hey, now because I have studied and looked closer at me and my situation, I’m armed with my info and I’ve made an informed decision/investment and change didn’t hurt at all.  

“A lot of people resist transition and therefore never allow themselves to enjoy who they are, embrace the change, no matter what it is; once you do, you can learn about the new world you’re in and take advantage of it.” -Nikki Giovanni

I say whatever it takes to get you to a higher level, do it. Do it afraid.  Just do it. 

I changed those hair care products by the way, and because I did, more and more changes came up for me and I went along with what is to become my new regimen.    You ever had those times in life?  Drop me a line or two in the comments below, and let's all become bosses in the process of starting something new.

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