Life. There are hundreds of words and phrases used to describe it. Precious, living, short, the longest thing we’ll ever have. It also brings with it questions, like what is the meaning of it? Why are we here? Who are we? What’s it truly all about? Then to add other things to the equation like cultural and symbolic meanings, religious and spiritual aspects, we can quickly end up in a hole of confusion.
Simply put, life means the existence of an individual human being or animal. But because we are who we are, human and all, and because of the intricacies of our brains, we’re always going to make it more than just that.
Things have to make sense, like numbers, analysis, proof; these are tangible explanations as to what and why. Like statistics. Aha, yes, statistics. Now to some, these are the holy grail to the meanings of and the reasons why. It’s just who we are. Below are some interesting stats regarding life that I read about on and becoming Take a look.
- If you sit for more than three hours every day, you’re cutting almost two years off your life expectancy.
- People who have a true village of friends live nearly four years longer than people who don’t.
- If everyone on Earth properly washed their hands, almost 1 million lives would be saved every year.
- Today our homes have more television sets than people.
- The average American throws away 65 pounds of clothing per year.
Makes you go hmm right? See, if you’re like me you were nodding your head going “right” or oh" okay, that makes sense." Does it really? Or are we okay with it because somewhere someone has put in countless hours studying and researching all this information, so it has to be right! It’s okay, I feel the same way.
What are some statistics you’ve read or heard about? Share and drop em below in the comments section.
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