Hey Diva’s and Gents! It’s Queen She known as me here and I’m journaling, writing everything in sight down!
I wanted to talk to you this week about humor, and it’s relation to a healthier you. Last year, close to Thanksgiving holidays, I needed a change. I wanted an emotional as well as physical change. I wanted a completely different outlook than the one I had become accustomed to over the years. So right before the new-year, I started researching nutritional and emotional healing. After analyzing the materials I'd found, I realized that most of my years as an adult had been plagued with some heavy emotional baggage, and this lead to bad eating habits. Ooh. Okay definitely time for a change.
I’m proud to say I’ve been doing really well, and I’m excited with the change to my eating habits; if it grows from the dirt, I love it. I’m more of a nonconformist that I’d ever realized with the current food pyramid, but that’s probably another blog post.
I also learned some things about emotional healing, and the one thing I found that changes your outlook emotionally is humor; good ol deep from the belly laughter.
Laughter has been associated to healing. It helps with stress, takes your mind off your troubles, and improves your mood. I'm not a doctor, but I've been on enough medications to know there are so many medicines used out there to treat this or that; I’m not against them, because some are needed, but too many times we believe that medications are the only form of treatment and they’re not. Laughter is free, and it’s an effective treatment you can do for yourself.
Life can be overwhelming. Whatever you have in it that makes you laugh, use it more and laugh your ass off!
Here is a way you can get more laughter in your life. Readers Digest has what they call a Jokes Section; some are corny, some are silly, and some are downright hilarious. Click that link above, and head on over there.. go on, you know you want to, and get some humor in your life.
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