Thursday, January 27, 2011

Clean it up.

Sometimes paths that were once so clear become a little garbagy and cruddy.  In order for my path to be clear so that I won’t put my vision on a detour route, I have to do some cleaning.
 I have a credenza.  And there is one particular corner that gets all the weekly mail, all the information from school, all the correspondence, all the magazines that I just have to keep, because “surely I am going to read that; there’s a really good article in there”.   I’ve come to call that corner my fire hazard. It’s really not a physical fire hazard, but if I compare my mind to my credenza, a smooth beautiful piece of furniture, and compare all that gets piled onto my credenza to a fire hazard (a situation that increases the likelihood a fire may start), it become easy for me to see how all the clutter can impede escape to a safe, peaceful place in the event a fire (compare fire to the situations that may merit attention) occurs.
Once a week like Mama taught me, I have to get the broom and dustpan, the mop, the mop bucket and some, Mr. Clean, some Ajax, the lemon Pledge and a dust towel, some Windex and get busy cleaning.  Oh and let’s not forget to take out the trash (the accumulation of rubbish in our minds). That’s what’s really blocking and cluttering up our clear paths.
Cleaning house and putting things in their proper place is not that much different from cleaning our minds putting things into perspective (in their proper place). The next time my path gets junky, I’m going get up, get my cleaning supplies, to start cleaning, putting all the worthless thoughts and damaging paraphernalia from my mind in the trash.
I’m busy.  Cleaning my path, clearing up my vision.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Quit being so pushy.

I’ve seen it. At least once on the highway, once at the office, even once on a social network.  Pushy people who constantly invade others space, who possess loud-mouthed, go-ahead, over-ambitious, and aggressive ways; thinking that these qualities make them more powerful. Regrettably we have to inform you that they make you transparent.  That’s right; you’re see-through.  You’re really an underachiever in the areas that matter the most; like having a reputable character, or just having plain old manners!
You’re rude, impolite, and many times offensive.  Your uncouth ways make respectful people, who are considerate of others, aware of the depth of your unhappiness.  See they know your type; unhappy people who strive to make other people unhappy.
Stop lingering around waiting for a happy person to join you; you unhappy person.  When they smile at you, smile back, they know it may hurt your face a little, even crack it, because it’s been a while since the last time you smiled. Stop cutting people off on the highway just to get a response because you woke up angry this morning and they didn’t.  They probably would have let you over in front of them, because often times (and they know you are not aware of this unhappy person) happy people’s demeanors are equivalent to the warmth of sunshine. You remember what sunshine looks like or feel like? Probably not, been hiding behind the darkness of gloom so long, but hang around happy people a little longer, it may rub off on you.
Trade in your measuring spoon of resentfulness and envy for a cup of compassion and love. Oh and quit being so pushy.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


 After viewing this post, this message will self-destruct. You probably should close your browser before it burst into flames or blows up.  This post would self- destruct if it were a secret message, but since this is MarClar Lillie ousting the damaging part of her mentality; please continue to read on…SAFELY.
How many times have you gone beyond reason, and sometimes what seems like beyond hope to make notions become tangible? How many times have we NOT overthrown and expelled thoughts that entered our minds that could cause us and others pain, or steal our joy, torment us and put us on paths of self-destruction? For me, I’ve done it often.
With all the wealth that we have in God, why do we exhibit self-destructive behavior? Why do we self- inflict harm or abuse towards ourselves mentally? Do we not realize that one of the many resources that we have in God is that He is a refuge in the midst of the storms? Do we realize that we really can kick crazy out when it tries to find accommodations in the recesses of our minds?
I have decided that too much of my joy and happiness have been spent dealing with my self-destructive mental behavior.  From now on, I intend to pray.  I intend to run to God, the Rock that is bigger than I, and ask that He please save me from myself, because the real enemy is the inner me.  Ask Him to please grant me peace amongst this chaos, allow me to possess a strong mind; then when I feel the unwanted guests creeping in, I’ll just put the No Vacancy sign on, and tell crazy there’s no room here right now. Note to self: Can not self-destruct.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Can’t we all just get along?

It appears that at every turn, there is arguing, and bickering, or heavy debating over one thing or another.  It is quite normal for human beings to disagree and have differences of opinions.  But somewhere during all the heaping of coals towards each other, and the inability or the unwillingness to gather FACTS, (not our own theory), we have forgotten that it truly is o.k. to agree to disagree, meaning you do not have to accept the opposing positions, you just tolerate them, remain on amicable terms while continuing to disagree and leave it at that. Simple, or is it?
Is it that we believe in our minds that nothing can be that simple? Could it be that when we say “let’s agree to disagree” that we really have no intentions at all of even hearing out our opposition? It’s my way or no way?
Sometimes we take a person’s rejections of our beliefs, speculations, circumstances, experiences, and our theories, as a personal attack of our character, the core of who really are.  That’s why it is important to know who you really are; can’t expect someone else to know who you are if you don’t.  When you feel whole and good about yourself, you don’t see dim lights in other’s eyes in reference to us when they don’t agree with us.  We don’t feel the fear or anxiety that causes us to look for unpleasant attributes in others, demeaning their character, in the process of making ourselves feel worthy and safe. 
Know whose you really are and have a relationship with the God you serve. Believe in something more than what you see or hear. More times than none, what we deem to be imperative really is not that important. Sometimes we can just lay it aside, and begin to learn how to just get along.

Friday, January 14, 2011

What's Your Vision

On the journey to resetting my life, one of the projects that I’ve been asked to do by Rosetta and Happy Black Women is to create a vision board.  I must say, each day with each assignment, the path gets clearer and clearer.  To see some of what I consider “inspiring” words, photos and action, or just things that make me happy, placed before me is just like dreams of mine being just a touch away.  
Live Purposefully.  That's the title for my vision board. As my prospective changes and my vision become larger, I’m sure the board will change.  I have it placed on my wall so that when I get out of bed in the morning, one of the first things I will see is my vision board.  I must say, it’s quite inspiring. 
What’s your vision? The thing that you dream about? The hallucination that keeps you walking in front of it, but it’s closely chasing you down wanting to become part of you? Take your ideas, most of which probably were a prophecy way before you existed anyway, visualize them, and make them into a mental picture, until they are no longer images in the make, but they are who you are; genuine, authentic and bona fide.

Friday, January 7, 2011


In this precious life that I have been given, my relationship with God and my family are of the utmost importance, for this is where I acquire strength.  I would love in this life to gain a higher learning and achievement in something more that the “right now”, to be able to share this learning, for this is where i will acquire knowledge and wisdom.  I love a steady and rambunctious flow of creativity, for this will help keep the mind strong, and the heart happy.  It’s a way to obtain peace and joy.  Also in this precious life, learn to communicate effectively and freely, no strings or preconceived boundaries, for this is the tool, along with forgiveness and mostly love, that will cleanse the heart.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Aha Moment

Aha moments are powerful moments in your life when clarity kicks in fiercely. Some aha moments are happy, some are sad, some are even life changing; however they occur, they move us in a way that sometimes leave us speechless, and flabbergasted.
I am working on several personal self- improvement projects that require I write down a lot of information and ideas; taking it from my mind to paper.  Right in front of me, BAM! There it is.  I have a tremendous amount of work to do to get to the point where I am satisfied with the road that I have chosen to travel, and it definitely is not going to be a road less traveled.
Aha moment came when I looked over several pages of ideas and information about me.  The pencil moved so quick and freely, that I did not even realize that I had written so much.  This looks like a lot of work, and it will be, but I am so happy that I have a plan.  Yes, while my pencil was moving unstoppably, it was busy communicating with my mind, creating a clear cut path complete with an array of solutions.
If I let my mind move freely, the rest will follow.  Aha.

Monday, January 3, 2011

On my 31 day journey to better understanding me

A couple of days ago I mentioned that I had started a 31 day challenge to reset my life.  Part two of this challenge is to complete an assignment where I list my love and hate about several categories in my life (lifestyle, health, family, relationships, finances and some others).  We had to be honest, and I was excruciatingly honest, (ouch).  For the most part the love sections were easy, but for the hate sections, some were very painful to look at once they were out of my psyche on paper right in front of me. 

But the brutal honesty brought light to some dark places that were hovering, and that needed to be uncovered.  It’s not so scary now that I can actually see what’s been hiding.  I actually feel like I can accomplish some things now that I have a clear cut path. 

I’m very grateful to God that the love sections outweigh by far the hate sections. I have a tremendous amount of work to do, but also there's a tremendous amount in my life to be grateful for.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Dance in the rain

We can't stop the rain, we have to learn to dance in it.  Torrential rains require we upgrade our rain gear from time to time.  We get new rain boots, a heavier rain poncho, and a new umbrella, a larger one though.

Point being that we can’t stop something from materializing that God has already set in motion. We have to be optimistic and try to find the good in our circumstances; whatever they are.  We are more pliable and versatile that we realize.  We are also more resilient than we know. No we can’t stop the rain, but yes, we can learn to dance in it.

Happy New Year

It's 2011, and I would like to wish each and everyone a happy and prosperous new year.   As i start my journey into this year, i feel very inspired and energized to get going.  I am excited about opportunities that have and will become available to me. I have joined a virtual life coaching program, one of the exercises that i am taking is called "The 31 Days to reset your life challenge", a program created by Rosetta Thurman, (great mastermind, and gifted young woman).  I am determined to build on what God has already put in motion for me.  I will move from the same spot that i have been in; my seat is worn out here.  i will learn, i will live and create special moments,  and then i will relive them in my mind as often as possible.  I will try something new, and if i like it, i will do it again.  I wish the same spontaneity for you.  Be safe, be happy, be loved, and give love.  My mantra: According to my Heavenly Father, the blueprint of me is one of a wonderful design, and i plan to build on it.